$10.7 Million Megabucks Lottery Ticket Sold at ProVision Partners Merrillan Cenex C-Store


Merrillan, Wisconsin – A winning $10.7 million Wisconsin Lottery Megabucks lottery ticket was sold this weekend at ProVision Partners Cooperative Cenex Convenience Store located in Merrillan, WI, a village in Jackson County with a population of just over 500.

The Cenex Convenience Store is owned and operated by ProVision Partners Cooperative (formerly Federation Cooperative) and is locally staffed with friendly employees ready to serve.

“I was shocked. I know the person and they called me and I thought they were joking,” said Nadine Matoska, manager of the Merrillan location. “My shock changed to excitement when I realized it was true.”

The winning ticket was claimed by Richard Kondell II, of Merrillan. Kondell doesn’t have plans for his winnings yet but says instead of calling in sick, he is “going to call in rich to work.”

A local customer-owned cooperative, ProVision Partners assists with feed, grain, agronomy, energy, auto service, and lawn care needs, and operates two retail Country Stores in different communities. Members of the ProVision Partners Cooperative are not only taking advantage of quality products and services at a fair price, but are enjoying the benefits receiving or earning patronage in the form of cash or equity.

“We would like to congratulate the winner and it was really nice to have a community member be the recipient of magnitude winnings like this,“ said Rob Larson, CEO.

With ten Cenex locations throughout Central Wisconsin, the Cenex Convenience Store offers a full range of essentials. As a whole, the cooperative employs more than 300 people.
Learn more at www.provisionpartners.coop

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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