2-Vehicle Accident on HWY 73


(OnFocus) First responders were called around 8:15 a.m. to 1102 WI-73 for a two-vehicle accident.

Nekoosa Fire, Wisconsin Rapids Ambulance, and Saratoga EMS were responding. An occupant was trapped and needed to be extricated.

Life Link was sent for a helicopter transport.

This is a developing story.


One patient was evaluated but did not have any external injuries. A landing zone was set up at Saratoga Town Hall for Life Link.

Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue also responded to the scene.

Update 1:30 p.m.:

A two-vehicle collision occurred on WI-73 in Saratoga Wednesday morning. A male patient was not transported but assessed by first responders at the scene. A 28-year-old female in a separate vehicle needed to be extricated from the vehicle.

She was transported by Life Link to the Marshfield Medical Center due to the prolonged extrication and mechanism of injury, and was “relatively stable” when transported, according to Battalion Chief Ben Goodreau, Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department.

Nekoosa Fire and Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue worked on extrication. Wood County Sheriff’s Department and Port Edwards Police Department were also present.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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