2020 Wisconsin Valley Fair Cancelled


Submitted OnFocus – Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation and its impact on community health, the Board of Directors for the Wisconsin Valley Fair has canceled the 2020 Fair.

Numerous other events have already been canceled, and it is evident that the risk of community spread of COVID-19 will still exist through the summer. Following the guidance of the Marathon County Health Department, the CDC and WEDC, we have determined it would not be safe to hold an event of this size.

Details on the MASS program (Market Animal Show & Sale of Marathon County, Inc.) will be available in the coming weeks.

The Wisconsin Valley Fair Board of Directors work tirelessly throughout the year to plan this event and this decision was not made lightly. We understand there will be disappointment at this announcement, but safety must come first.

Information regarding refunds and FAQs will be shared on our website and Facebook as soon as it becomes available. Sponsor, vendors, and advanced ticket holders will have the opportunity to have their payments and tickets rolled over to the 2021 Wisconsin Valley Fair or be issued a full refund. Fair staff will reach out to those parties directly to make arrangements.

Provided it is deemed safe to hold large gatherings, the Wisconsin Valley Fair will return in its entirety on August 3-8, 2021. We are looking forward to coming back even better and stronger than before. We appreciate your support through this difficult time.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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