2021 Northwoods League Major League Dreams Showcase Rosters


The Northwoods League has announced the rosters for the 2021 Northwoods League Major League Dreams Showcase.

A pair of games will be held on Tuesday, August 3, hosted by the La Crosse Loggers at Copeland Park.

The annual Showcase will consist of a double-header featuring the top players from the Northwoods League who were selected by a panel of Major League Baseball Scouts.

The first game will start at 4:05 p.m. and will match two teams featuring a mix of players from the Great Plains and Great Lakes Divisions. The players on the visiting team in this game will primarily come from Kokomo, Battle Creek, Traverse City, Lakeshore and Willmar. The home team will be made up of players mainly from Waterloo, Kenosha, Green Bay, Rockford and Madison. Josh Rebandt of the Traverse City Pit Spitters will skipper the visiting team while former MLB catcher Donnie Scott of the Madison Mallards will manage the home team.

The second game will start at 7:35 p.m. and will again be played by two teams of Great Lakes and Great Plains players. The visiting team for this game will be made up of players mostly from Bismarck, Eau Claire, Minnesota, Duluth, Kalamazoo and Fond du Lac. The home team will have players from La Crosse, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Rapids, Rochester, Mankato and St. Cloud. Will Flynt of the Bismarck Larks will be the Field Manager for the visiting team. Loggers Field Manager Brian Lewis will be in the dugout for the home team.

Proceeds from the Major League Dreams Showcase will benefit the Northwoods League Foundation.  The Northwoods League Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that serves as a vehicle to transform a shared passion for baseball into positive change and support for communities. Of the many needs the foundation may address through grants, scholarships or donations, one ongoing focus will be to view its member communities and look upon the baseball programs they have in place with a harmonious goal of making them all finer places to live.

Visiting Team 4:05 pm

Josh Caron C Madison Mallards HS SR University of Nebraska
Spencer Sarringer C Bismarck Larks RS JR Northern State University
Griffin Doersching 1B Lakeshore Chinooks RS JR Northern Kentucky University
Chandler Simpson 2B Fond du Lac Dock Spiders RS FR University of Alabama at Birmingham
Kevin Sim 3B La Crosse Loggers FR University of San Diego
Chase Meidroth SS Kokomo Jackrabbits SO University of San Diego
Adam Crampton INF Kokomo Jackrabbits SO Stanford University
William Hamiter OF Willmar Stingers RS FR University of Alabama at Birmingham
Carter Howell OF Willmar Stingers RS JR Augustana University
Ethan Vecrumba OF Lakeshore Chinooks FR Indiana University
Tito Flores OF Traverse City Pit Spitters SO University of Michigan
Davis Burgin RHP Battle Creek Bombers SO Troy University
Sam Malec RHP Willmar Stingers HS SR University of Minnesota
Tyler Kean RHP Lakeshore Chinooks SO Ohio State University
Tommy Lamb LHP Lakeshore Chinooks FR University of Oklahoma
Mitch Mueller RHP Lakeshore Chinooks FR Winona State University
George Arias RHP Willmar Stingers SO University of Arizona
Corbin Morrison LHP Traverse City Pit Spitters FR University of Tennessee
Nolan Lepkoske RHP Kalamazoo Growlers RS FR University of Central Florida
Caden Favors LHP Wisconsin Rapids Rafters FR Seminole State College

Home Team 4:05 PM
Johnny Tincher C Waterloo Bucks RS FR University of Washington
Kaden Hollow C Green Bay Booyah FR Dixie State University
Justin Janas 1B Kenosha Kingfish FR University of Illinois
Chase Estep 2B Kenosha Kingfish SO University of Kentucky
Brendan Ryan 3B Green Bay Booyah SO Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
Josh Kasevich SS Waterloo Bucks SO University of Oregon
Orlando Salinas INF Lakeshore Chinooks FR Oklahoma State
Max Jung-Goldberg OF Waterloo Bucks RS SO University of San Diego
Alex Iadisernia OF Madison Mallards RS FR Elon University
Phil Matulia OF Rockford Rivets JR Louisiana Tech University
Cam Cratic OF Madison Mallards RS JR Missouri State University
Randon Dauman RHP Kenosha Kingfish RS FR Saint Louis University
Michael Mitchell RHP Waterloo Bucks JR UC San Diego
Tucker Shalley RHP Rockford Rivets FR University of Illinois
Tyler Chadwick RHP Green Bay Booyah FR West Virginia University
Ryan Stefiuk LHP Green Bay Booyah FR Vanderbilt University
Brycen Mautz LHP Waterloo Bucks RS FR University of San Diego
Ryan O’Hara LHP Madison Mallards RS FR University of Illinois
Duncan Davitt RHP Waterloo Bucks RS SO University of Iowa

Visiting Team 7:35 pm
Connor Burns C Eau Claire Express FR CSU Long Beach
Calvin Harris C Fond du Lac Dock Spiders FR University of Mississippi
Mike Boeve 1B Duluth Huskies FR University of Nebraska Omaha
Carter Graham 2B Eau Claire Express FR Stanford University
Luke Leto 3B Kalamazoo Growlers HS SR Louisiana State University
Tavian Josenberger SS Fond du Lac Dock Spiders FR University of Kansas
Jacob Wilson INF Mankato MoonDogs FR Grand Canyon University
Jackson Loftin UTIL Fond du Lac Dock Spiders SO Oral Roberts University
Victor Scott OF Fond du Lac Dock Spiders RS FR West Virginia University
Eddie Park OF Eau Claire Express FR Stanford University
Derek Shoen OF Bismarck Larks SO University of Mary
Luke Storm OF Kalamazoo Growlers FR Duke University
Ethan Hammerberg RHP Duluth Huskies FR Ohio State University
Nate Wohlgemuth RHP Duluth Huskies FR University of Arkansas
Luke Trahan RHP Eau Claire Express SO Dallas Baptist University
Alec Baker RHP Eau Claire Express RS FR Dallas Baptist University
Tucker Novotny LHP Minnesota Mud Puppies HS SR University of Minnesota
Sam Ireland RHP Fond du Lac Dock Spiders SO University of Minnesota
Braden Forsyth RHP Kalamazoo Growlers SO University of Mississippi
Bret Barnett LHP Bismarck Larks JR South Dakota State University
Tyler Hoeft RHP Wisconsin Woodchucks FR Washington State University

Home Team 7:35 pm
Caleb Ricketts C St. Cloud Rox SO University of San Diego
Ildefonso Ruiz C La Crosse Loggers FR San Diego State University
Jack Steil 1B St. Cloud Rox FR University of Nebraska
Brice Matthews SS St. Cloud Rox FR University of Nebraska
Justin Boyd INF Mankato MoonDogs FR Oregon State University
Mac Horvath 3B Rochester Honkers FR University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Otto Kemp 2B St. Cloud Rox RS FR Point Loma Nazarene University
Alex Pimentel OF Rochester Honkers FR Cal State Long Beach
Andrew Pinckney OF St. Cloud Rox RS FR University of Alabama
Chase Davis OF La Crosse Loggers FR University of Arizona
Michael Dixon OF La Crosse Loggers RS FR University of San Diego
Stephen Reid OF Wisconsin Woodchucks SO Georgia Institute of Technology
Ethan Bradford LHP La Crosse Loggers SO University of Nebraska
Travis Luensmann RHP La Crosse Loggers FR University of South Carolina
Jon Rice RHP La Crosse Loggers RS SO The University of Texas Permian Basin
Riley Cornelio RHP St. Cloud Rox RS FR Texas Christian University
Nate Peterson LHP St. Cloud Rox SO University of Illinois Chicago
Nathan Hemmerling RHP Wisconsin Rapids Rafters SO Lakeland University
Zach Bennett RHP Wisconsin Rapids Rafters FR University of Central Florida
Shane Telfer LHP Wisconsin Woodchucks RS FR Pepperdine University
Brayden Bonner RHP Wisconsin Rapids Rafters SR Dixie State University

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]