3 Abbyland Foods, Inc. Employees Test Positive for COVID-19


Wausau, WI – The Clark County Health Department is reporting three employees of Abbyland Foods Inc. have tested positive for COVID-19.

Clark and Marathon County Health Departments are working with Abbyland leadership and staff to conduct an investigation to track, trace, and contain the virus,” said Brittany Mews, Clark County Health Officer. “Abbyland Foods is located in both counties. We are all working together to ensure the facility, staff, residents, and their family members, are taking steps to contain the spread of COVID-19.”

“Abbyland Foods is committed to providing a safe work environment for all employees. To the best of our abilities, Abbyland has implemented CDC recommended prevention guidelines such as employees wearing masks, reconfigured workspaces , staggered breaks and lunches to limit employee contact and promote social distancing, and increased sanitization in high traffic areas” stated Todd Jelinski, Safety Director, Abbyland Foods Inc.

“COVID-19 can be spread by asymptomatic people, meaning people who are not experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath,” stated Judy Burrows, Public Information Officer for Marathon County. “Everyone can do their part to control the spread by practicing social distancing, wearing masks, and washing their hands.”

If you have been in contact with someone who is a confirmed case of COVID-19, staff from your local health department will be in touch to notify you of the potential exposure. When they call, they will ask if you are experiencing symptoms, and will provide information about quarantine and isolation. If you have symptoms, they can also help you understand when and how to seek medical help, how to get tested, and options if you have concerns about being able to safely quarantine or isolate for the required time.

The health departments do not release the names of any residents that have been tested positive for COVID- 19 to protect the privacy of individuals and their families. Close contacts at Abbyland Meats Inc. and immediate family members have been notified. Any person with symptoms has been isolated.

For the latest information, visit the CDC’s coronavirus website, Wisconsin Department of Health Services website, Marathon County Health Department, or Clark County Health Department).

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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