31 Football Games Cancelled for Week 4


Marshfield (OnFocus) – A list that fluctuates each week finds 31 football games in Week 4 cancelled:

10/16/2020 West De Pere vs Seymour West De Pere moved to virtual instruction & canceled activites thru 10/19
10/16/2020 Notre Dame vs Marquette Notre Dame moved to spring option
10/16/2020 Bowler/Gresham vs Port Edwards Bowler paused in-person & sports thru Oct. 19
10/16/2020 Omro vs Horicon/Hustisford Omro moved to spring option
10/16/2020 White Lake/Elcho vs Florence White Lake/Elcho shut down football activities until 10/19
10/16/2020 Boscobel vs Hillsboro Boscobel moved to virtual & canceled activities 10/7-10/19
10/16/2020 Menasha vs New London Menasha moved to spring option
10/16/2020 Clintonville vs Oconto Clintonville moved to virtual & canceled activities for two weeks
10/16/2020 Fall River/Rio vs Cambria-Friesland Fall River/Rio canceled
10/16/2020 Sparta vs Saint Croix Central Monroe County Health guidance canceled activities at Sparta due to county risk level
10/16/2020 Denmark vs Luxemburg-Casco Denmark canceled
10/16/2020 Athens vs Marathon Athens moved to virtual
10/16/2020 River Falls vs New Richmond River Falls had to cancel
10/16/2020 Ithaca vs De Soto Ithaca moving to virtual on 10/12
10/16/2020 Crandon vs Crivitz Crandon canceled school & activities due to community & school spread
10/16/2020 Winneconne vs Plymouth Winneconne had to cancel
10/16/2020 Kewaunee vs Southern Door Kewaunee paused activities & moved to virtual learning due to cases in school
10/16/2020 Holmen vs West Salem Holmen moved to spring option
10/16/2020 Weyauwega-Fremont vs Manawa W-F canceled
10/16/2020 Waupaca vs Xavier Waupaca canceled
10/16/2020 Wausau West vs Hortonville Wausau West shutting down for two weeks
10/16/2020 Northern Elite vs Northland Pines Northern Elite canceled
10/16/2020 Saint John’s NW Academies vs Lourdes Academy SJNA canceled
10/16/2020 Waterford vs Badger Waterford had to cancel
10/16/2020 Westfield vs Montello/Princeton/Green Lake Canceled
10/16/2020 Suring vs Wausaukee Suring canceled
10/16/2020 Luther vs Iowa-Grant Canceled
10/16/2020 Two Rivers vs New Holstein Positive case on TR team
10/16/2020 Roncalli vs Kiel Roncalli canceled
10/16/2020 Horicon/Hustisford vs Cambria-Friesland Positive test at H/H
10/17/2020 Auburndale vs Northwood/Solon Springs Canceled


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]