97 Project Gets New Completion Date


Marshfied, WI (OnFocus) The N. Central Ave/WIS-97 road project is scheduled for completion on September 24.

The state project from Arnold Street to Harrison Street in Marshfield is to replace the asphalt surface, repair and upgrade curbs to ADA standards, and improve traffic signals at Arnold Street and Doege Street. Traffic is currently restricted to the inner lanes.

The project was originally scheduled for completion before Labor Day, but additional time was needed after WisDOT determined that a 6-inch pouring of concrete was necessary so that the base course underneath the center lanes could withstand traffic.

This week, concrete repairs are being undertaken at the Doege Street/Central Ave. intersection. Drivers are unable to cross Central Ave. at this intersection until this is completed.

North Central Ave. Project Completion Date Moved to September

North Central Construction Presents Unique Challenges for Local Businesses

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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