A Closer Look: Columbus Catholic Dons Grad and Student-Athlete Jenna Kibbel: Pancakes or Waffles?

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We take an inside look at Columbus Catholic Graduate and multi-sport student-athlete Jenna Kibbel, with our world-famous interview, Pancakes or Waffles?
OnFocus: What subjects/classes have been your favorite, and why?

Kibbel: My favorite class was probably foods class senior year. I had all my close friends in that class and all we did was watch master chef and cook food, it can’t get much better than that.

OnFocus: What are your hobbies?

Kibbel: I work a lot at the hospital, and I love to hangout with my friends.

OnFocus: Who is/was your first favorite teacher and why?

Kibbel: My favorite teacher is Mrs. Ruth Fleischmann. She was my math teacher and she
taught me so much, not only math but also in life. She was so down to earth and so
funny. Towards the end of the school year, she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and
she is still continuing to battle, she is the strongest woman I know.

OnFocus:  What is the most unusual food you have eaten?

Kibbel: Octopus.

OnFocus:  What is your favorite music to listen to?

Kibbel: My favorite band is Coldplay.

OnFocus:  What are your plans after high school?

Kibbel: I will be attending UWEC pursuing a career in nursing.

OnFocus:  If they made a movie about you, and your life, what would it be called?

Kibbel: The Blonde girl

OnFocus:  What sports did you play throughout your high school career?

Kibbel: Volleyball and Basketball

OnFocus:  Which teammate would you not want to be stranded with on a deserted

Kibbel: Maggie Callaghan

OnFocus:  What are some memorable moments you have had as an athlete?

Kibbel: The two most memorable moments I had as an athlete were playing volleyball and
basketball with my older sister Meghan. Also, my junior year playing in the sectional
semi-final against Edgar for volleyball, and our best player, Dorci Walker went down with
an ankle injury, and my teammates and I all came together and ended up beating Edgar
in 4, that was a special moment.

OnFocus:  Who are your favorite athletes and/or teams?

Kibbel: My favorite athletes are probably Molly Haggerty and Giannis. My favorite teams are the Bucks & Wisconsin Badgers Volleyball.

OnFocus:  What do you enjoy most about competing in front of family, friends and fans?

Kibbel: After the games are done, going over to my family and talking about the game & then going to my friends and talking about what we are going to go eat together.

OnFocus:  Do you have a funny or unusual moment(s) you have experienced in

Kibbel: My good friend Lily and I would always chew gum during games and practices, the amount of times the gum would fly out of our mouths onto the court…those were always pretty funny times.

OnFocus:  What’s the best thing about being a student-athlete?

Kibbel: Getting to compete and be with my closest friends everyday.

OnFocus: What words of wisdom can you give to other student-athletes?

Kibbel: Whenever you feel like you aren’t good enough, or things are getting hard, don’t get down on yourself, have a strong mental mindset and get over all the bad, and focus that energy into playing your best possible game. The outcome is worth the hard work, mental toughness, and energy put in.

OnFocus: Lastly, pancakes or waffles?
Kibbel: Waffles.


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]