The Key2Success Planner offers My-Tyme Users a Digital Solution

My-Tyme users have long asked for a digital planning system that works for them wherever they are. The power of being able to digitally take notes, share your aspirations and vision with others, while being able to pull up your plans from commonly used devices like the iPad, ReMarkable, Onxy Boox, Samsung or windows devices.

The core principal in the My-Tyme planning system is to move you from being task driven to goal directed. The Key2Success planner builds on this concept by help you not only achieve goals, however helps structure your success through 4 development areas: self, community, relationship and career.

The Key2Success Planner is a professional planning system that focuses on your own goal achievement, while providing you with daily, weekly and monthly time management that is required for those who are thriving in their professional life.

The Key2Success Planner expands the user’s ability and longterm planning goals with the professional builder. This is a one-page business and professional career planner designed to change how you look at digital planning and planning in your career.

When looking for a digital planner that replaces your traditional My-Tyme paper planner, look no further than the Key2Success Planner. If you have questions about how to install or get started, connect with the team online via chat or email.

Key2Success offers personal and team training sessions to help you fast track your digital planning success.

In additional the professional builder is an exclusive tool to the system, which provides you a one page professional plan for your business, organization or career path.

  • Vision – drawing area where you can take a few minutes and decide what you want for your year and next few years. Use the vision board for more specifics. This spot is more generic and big picture
  • Key Boulders – indicate the challenges you face at this time
  • Key Resources – determine what resources you need and which are currently available that you can use right now
  • Key Values – your fundamental beliefs, things you’ll hold tried and true
  • Key Vitals – measurements of process and accountability, will help you determine if you are on-track
  • 10-Year Target – bigger picture “I have a dream and this is what I want to achieve”. Use this space to determine if your shorter-terms goals fit this long-term goal
  • Absolutes – your strongest asset is your exit strategy. You have to achieve this. Anything less than this is failing. Helps motivate and make tough decisions
  • Accountable Actions – responsibilities of you and your core team
  • Routine – patterns and processes that will guide progress
  • Goals – identify goals for the next three years. Help you get in the right frame of mind and on-track for those 10-year goals
  • Organizational Impact – the effect of your success and how it will impact your business
  • Reaction/Adaptation – next steps

Using your time wisely is the best investment you can make for your self. With the Key2Success Planning system you will move from being task driven to building success through goal planning, while building strong habits and routine that will ensure your continued success.

In addition you will see a reduction in your stress level by getting the right things done, have a system for measurable productivity and see yourself start achieving goals instead of simply setting them.

Don’t let the promise of a successful future fall through the cracks, move to a modern means of digital planning with the Key2Success Planner.

To learn more, visit www.Key2SuccessPlanner.com!

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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