Stratford Company Gets Help from Girl Scouts This Year
Submitted to OnFocus – 2020 has been a year of uncertainty with many twists and turns, however a year like this doesn’t change how valuable employees are to a business. A&B Process Systems, a business unit of JBT Corporation in Stratford, started the year with a plan to host a big gala-type event at the end of the year to recognize employees with 5-year incremental milestone anniversaries.
“However, with the current COVID challenges, that type of event is not possible, so how do you recognize employees in these unprecedented times? Place yard signs in employees’ yards!” said Jennifer Schreiner, HR Manager. “Then the question was, who is going to place these yard signs for 40+ employees with milestone anniversaries?”
With employees in Medford, Wausau, Stevens Point, Pittsville, and more, covering a large area of Central Wisconsin, A&B had the idea of getting help from a nonprofit and then donating to their cause as thanks.
“Theresa Knecht and Hannah Schreiner from Spencer Girl Scout Cadette Troop 6158 were looking for ways to fundraise for their Silver Award project, the highest honor a Cadette can achieve,” said Schreiner. “Here’s where this project goes full circle: The troop is working on a donation drive for Sweet Dreamz of Wisconsin.”
The local non-profit services 18 Wisconsin counties and counting, with a mission to give children who come from homes with illegal substance abuse hope for a brighter future by providing bundles of comfort items. The effort is led by Tracie Van De Hei, spouse to A&B Process Systems’ employee Matt Van De Hei.
“This was a perfect opportunity to let employees know how much they are appreciated, help a Girl Scout troop move towards earning their Silver Award, and ultimately help many children in Wisconsin through Sweet Dreamz,” said Schreiner. “This certainly is a time of giving!”
Girl Scout Troop 6158 is encouraging the community to help Sweet Dreamz by donating items that make up the bundles or donating money to purchase the items needed.
Bundles include all new items: pillowcase, blanket, pajamas, stuffed animal and book. Donations can be dropped off at R&R Furniture at 312 S. Pacific St, Spencer WI.
To learn more, visit Sweet Dreamz of WI on Facebook, email [email protected] or call (715)255-3115.
Employee Milestones:
First Name | Last Name | Years of Service |
Michael | Rottscheit | 30 |
Anthony | Heiden | 25 |
Jaye | Franklin | 20 |
Paul | Wetterau | 20 |
Marlin | Anderson | 15 |
Sandra | Babcock | 15 |
Robert | Brown | 15 |
Chase | Feltz | 15 |
Chad | Kolbeck | 15 |
Nathaniel | Lange | 15 |
Chris | Leard | 15 |
James | Murkowski | 15 |
Denise | O’Shaughnessy | 15 |
Brandon | Rindfleisch | 15 |
Joseph | Schiller Jr. | 15 |
Ryan | Wiesman | 15 |
Andrew | Burnett | 10 |
Nike | Itzen | 10 |
Brian | Johnsrud | 10 |
Jason | Plansky | 10 |
Michael | Resler | 10 |
Adam | Shelley | 10 |
Brian | Tamminga | 10 |
Jacob | Thoma | 10 |
Nick | Westphal | 10 |
Randy | Wiese | 10 |
Carter | Abitz | 5 |
Dalton | Dillinger | 5 |
Richard | Fuehrer | 5 |
Brandon | Korth | 5 |
Tyler | Lacourse | 5 |
Sandra | Lange | 5 |
Xai | Lor | 5 |
Michael | Northup | 5 |
Derrick | Pagel | 5 |
Chris | Schar | 5 |
Larry | Schreiner | 5 |
Kyle | Steinbach | 5 |
Nick | Stoflet | 5 |
Dylan | Widmann | 5 |
Edward | Yirsa | 5 |
We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!