Abbotsford's Kallie Falteisek goes in for a shot during the Falcons' win over Spencer in a WIAA Division 4 girls basketball regional quarterfinal Tuesday night at Abbotsford High School. (Photo by Branden Bodendorfer/OnFocus)
Spencer’s Hannah Zastrow drives to the basket during play in a WIAA Division 4 girls basketball regional quarterfinal at Abbotsford High School on Tuesday. Abbotsford won, ending the Rockets’ season. (Photo by Branden Bodendorfer/OnFocus)
ABBOTSFORD – The Abbotsford girls basketball team survived to live another day, beating Spencer 45-37 in a WIAA Division 4 regional quarterfinal on Tuesday night at Abbotsford High School.
Sixth-seeded Abbotsford (15-6) moves on to a Division 4 regional semifinal at 7 p.m. Friday at No. 3 Necedah (16-4).
Spencer’s season ends with a 3-18 record.
This story will be updated when statistics are available.
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