Adopt Don’t Shop Shirts Designed with a Purpose

adopt dont shop shirts

OnFocus – Weiler Convenience Stores in Marshfield is now selling specially designed shirts to raise funds for local animal welfare organizations. This year, shirts will be sold in-store and also online at this link.

“Shelters don’t have an income, so they need all funding that any company or person can raise,” said Kelly Weiler, owner. “This year was especially hard for rescues, as they have had to cancel fundraisers. We wanted to do what we could to help!”

Proceeds will benefit Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS) and the Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation (MHWF). Each store will also have a donation jar available for any extra money people wish to donate. Bags of equine senior feed will be available at all stores to buy, which will be donated to MHWF.

The shirts feature the slogan “Adopt, Don’t Shop,” which encourages pet adoption.

“People will be proud to wear the shirts, because it shows they supported the cause, and hopefully gets people talking about the need,” said Weiler.

All funds will go directly to the rescues, with Weiler having donated all costs of the shirts. Order your shirt online, or visit one of the three Weiler locations to support the cause: 600 N Central Ave, 2401 E 4th St, 2005 N Central Ave.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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