Advanced Disposal to Make Up Recycling This Week


Advanced Disposal will make up recycling for Marshfield this week after bitter cold led the company to cancel part of last week’s collection. The regular schedule will resume next week.

“We heard a lot of good feedback from people that appreciated us taking care of our people,” said Dale Marth, manager, during the Board of Public Works meeting on Feb. 4.

Advanced Disposal shared more about challenges in the recycling market, which has dropped significantly. This is mostly related to China’s National Sword policy, implemented last January, which restricts imported recyclables from foreign countries.

“Unfortunately China was our largest market for paper and plastic. It’s significantly impacted pricing,” said Marth.

There are still markets in Wisconsin thanks to paper mills, but the initiatives have lowered the value of paper products, which are now at a negative value. This means that Advanced Disposal now pays to have the material processed and recycled.

An alderman asked why recycling pickup is limited to every other week when the new trucks can handle both refuse and recycling in one. The contract with the City currently that pickup.

“Really it’s just a routing issue to try and hold down the cost, and those trucks are used elsewhere when they’re not in use,” said Marth. The fleet uses both single and dual purpose trucks to fulfill its services. “We’re using the single route truck all the time. We need to supplement it, with breakdowns and things like that.”

Residents can bring always bring regular recycling to the Advanced Disposal facility at no cost.

A garbage and recycling schedule can be found at the city website here. Physical copies will be available at various locations in the city, otherwise those who contact the Street Division at 715-486-2081 can get a copy mailed to them.

Recycling in Marshfield: What Can Be, What Can’t Be


News Desk
Author: News Desk