Agriculture Still Important Part of Boehm Insurance

Boehm Insurance moved into the historic Bank of Edgar building in 1970 and just underwent a major remodeling project.

Located in Edgar, Boehm Insurance has served the community since 1938, when John Boehm began the agency on the family farm in the Town of Cassel.

Office remodel at Boehm Insurance

Eighty years later, that farm has stayed in the family, and helping farmers is still an important part of the agency’s services. Along with offering Home and Auto insurance, Business insurance has been the biggest area of growth for the agency for the past twenty years.

“Farming, as most other things, keeps evolving. Our agency and the companies we represent continually update coverages to keep pace with these changes,” said Mike Boehm. “We have clients (auto, home, farm, business) that have been with our agency for 40, 50 and 60 years, some with the same company that they started with from day one.”

Additionally, Boehm Insurance offers Umbrella, Motorcycle, Boat, Recreational Vehicles, Life, Disability and other products. As an independent agency, getting all the right coverage is a simpler process.

“Independent agents make finding the right insurance easier by shopping and comparing quotes from multiple companies for the customer,” said Boehm. While it might work to go with one company for all insurance needs, sometimes it doesn’t, which makes an independent insurance agent a more flexible and competitive option.

Boehm Insurance moved in the former Bank of Edgar building in 1970 and just completed a major remodeling project with an office makeover as an investment in its future, to continue serving the community both in and out of the office. Boehm is a member of the Edgar Lions Club and a past president, and was involved in many school functions while raising his children. The agency continues to support and sponsor many local events.

Though the agency has grown a lot from those early days, it has remained a family affair with spouses playing an important if unofficial part in the organization. Lawrence (JoAnn) Boehm became the second generation owner from 1965 until 2006, with Mike (Sally) Boehm stepping up as the 3rd generation in 1990.

Learn more about Boehm Insurance and get a quote at its website, or call (715) 352-2171.

News Desk
Author: News Desk