All-Marawood Conference Football Team Headlined by All-State Champion Colby on Offense and Defense


All Marawood Conference Football Team

COACH OF THE YEAR *Jim Hagen Colby
BACK OF THE YEAR Brent Jeske Colby
LINEMAN OF THE YEAR Andrew Jeske Colby


Brent Jeske Colby 7 12 6’2″ 210 *1st Team
Trayton Weber Auburndale 3 11 6’0″ 175 2nd Team

RECEIVER (Old Flanker/Slotback position & Split End):
Alex Willfahrt Auburndale 11 11 6’1″ 180 1st Team
Everet Brehm Edgar 31 12 6’0″ 140 1st Team
Jaden Koeller Marathon 35 12 6’2″ 185 2nd Team
Ashton Schuett Edgar 9 12 5’10” 155 2nd Team

Brandon Voelker Colby 88 12 5’11”: 180 *1st Team
Tim Schmitt Auburndale 9 11 6’1″ 185 1st Team
Brandon Deidrich Abbotsford 86 11 6’2″ 185 2nd Team
Evan Schunk Abbotsford 7 10 5’8″ 160 2nd Team

Andrew Jeske Colby 79 12 6’2″ 200 *1st Team
Corey Steen Colby 76 12 6’0″ 265 *1st Team
Jesse Fowler Auburndale 55 12 6’2″ 215 1st Team
Devin Thums Abbotsford 56 12 6’0″ 240 1st Team
Tristen Stange Colby 57 12 5’11” 170 1st Team
Jace Kohel Edgar 62 12 6’1″ 225 2nd Team
Brady Stencil Edgar 53 11 6’0″ 210 2nd Team
Carver Higgins Edgar 54 11 5’11” 212 2nd Team
Parker Schutte Edgar 75 12 5’10” 205 2nd Team
Drew Love Marathon 56 11 6’3″ 205 2nd Team
Carlos Lara Abbotsford 75 10 6’2″ 345 2nd Team
Derek Jeske Colby 52 12 6’1″ 250 2nd Team

Ty Falteisek Abbotsford 23 12 5’10” 175 1st Team
Mason Voss Colby 28 12 5’11” 196 1st Team
Karter Butt Edgar 21 10 5’10” 195 *1st Team
Caden Healy Colby 21 11 6’3″ 180 1st Team
Matt Annis Marathon 7 11 5’11” 190 2nd Team
Terrance Roberson Auburndale 16 12 5’8″ 185 2nd Team



Andrew Jeske Colby 79 12 6’2″ 200 *1st Team
Ayden Weisenberger Edgar 22 12 6’0″ 180 *1st Team
Brandon Hawkey Abbotsford 88 12 6’4″ 215 2nd Team
Conner Brandl Auburndale 52 11 6’0″ 170 2nd Team

Brent Jeske Colby 7 12 6’2″ 210 *1st Team
Tristen Stange Colby 57 12 5’11” 170 1st Team
Karter Butt Edgar 21 10 5’10” 195 2nd Team
Sloan Welch Auburndale 64 11 6’1″ 205 2nd Team

Jordan Bunkelman Edgar 20 12 5’10” 175 *1st Team
Mason Voss Colby 28 12 5’11” 196 1st Team
Ty Falteisek Abbotsford 23 12 5’10” 175 2nd Team
Brandon Voelker Colby 88 12 5’11”: 180 2nd Team
Nathan Hanke Marathon 24 12 6’1″ 165 2nd Team

Corey Steen Colby 76 12 6’0″ 265 *1st Team
Jesse Fowler Auburndale 55 12 6’2″ 215 *1st Team
Adam Dorshorst Auburndale 61 11 5’11” 235 1st Team

Everet Brehm Edgar 31 12 6’0″ 140 *1st Team
Mateo Lopez Colby 27 11 6’0″ 153 *1st Team
Caden Healy Colby 21 11 6’3″ 180 1st Team
Terrance Roberson Auburndale 16 12 5’8″ 185 2nd Team
Mason Seehafer Marathon 27 11 6’0″ 175 2nd Team
JV Castillo Abbotsford 24 10 5’4″ 145 2nd Team

Tristen Stange Colby 57 12 5’11” 170 1st Team
Jaden Koeller Marathon 35 12 6’2″ 185 2nd Team

Honorable Mention
Name School Yr Position
Adam Deidrich Abbotsford 11 OL
Garrett Short Abbotsford 12 OL
JV Castillo Abbotsford 10 DB
Brandon Hawkey Abbotsford 12 TE
Brice Thiel Auburndale 12 OL
Adam Dorshorst Auburndale 11 OL
Mason Rachu Auburndale 11 OL
Lucas Yeske Auburndale 11 DE
Brayden Boyer Colby 12 OL
Derek Jeske Colby 12 DL
Brody Decker Colby 12 OE
Waylon Wirkus Edgar 12 OL
Peyton Dahlke Edgar 12 DB
Keghan Hartway Edgar 11 LB
Brett Baumgartner Edgar 10 DE
Noah Gage Marathon 12 LB
Ben Robbins Marathon 12 QB
Payton Lawrence Marathon 10 OL
Nick Sommers Marathon 12 LB


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]