All-Marawood North Baseball Team Includes POY Castillo(Abbotsford/Colby) and Coach of the Year Ryan Bargender(Abbotsford/Colby)


All-Marawood Conference North Baseball Team

Player of the Year- JV Castillo Abby/Colby
Coach of the Year- Ryan Bargender Abby/Colby

1st Team N O R T H
*Brandon Diedrich 11 Abby/Colby
*Mateo Lopez 11 Abby/Colby
* JV Castillo 10 Abby/Colby
*Brooks Kraus 12 Athens
*Cooper Diedrich 12 Athens
*Kody Lepak 12 Athens
*Collin Luhtala 12 Chequamegon
*Jacob Bushman 11 Chequamegon
*Logan Blomberg 12 Rib Lake
*Michael Borchardt 11 Rib Lake

  • Unanimous2nd Team NORTH
    Blake Bargender 10 Abby/Colby
    Payton Schreiber 9 Abby/Colby
    Dawson Hauschild 12 Phillips
    Sam Gumz 12 Rib Lake
    Jordan Yanko 12 Rib Lake
    Evan Reis 10 Abby/Colby
    Isaac Raab 12 Prentice
    Kyler Ellenbecker 11 Athens
    Zach Poetzl 12 Chequamegon
    Jackson Blomberg 10 Rib Lake

    Honorable Mention
    Jaxon Polivka 10 Abby/Colby
    Carlos Lara- 10 Abby/Colby
    Nathan Wolf 11 Athens
    Hunter Haehlke 10 Athens
    Joe Newbury 12 Chequamegon
    Dustin Krueger 11 Chequamegon
    Ethan Podmolik 10 Phillips
    Drew Hauschild 10 Phillips
    Hunter Logan 12 Prentice
    Jesse Cummings 12 Prentice
    Jacob Matyka 12 Rib Lake
    Andrew Wudi 10 Rib Lake


Where are they Now? We feature athletes and difference makers  from the past, standouts in sports who excelled over the years and have moved on. Know of a former athlete, coach or difference maker we should feature? Know of a former standout competitor whose journey beyond central Wisconsin sports is one we should share? Send us information on athletes and difference makers of the past with our simple form HERE

Baked or Fried! We also feature difference makers throughout central Wisconsin: coaches, booster club leaders, adminstration, volunteers, you name it. Send us your nominations for who you’d like us to interview HERE

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]