Amber Kiggens-Leifheit Recognized for School Board Service


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Amber Kiggens-Leifheit was recognized by the Marshfield Board of Education at the conclusion of her third term.

Throughout her tenure, she served many roles as Vice President, Treasurer, committee chair, and committee representative. Within the district, Kiggens-Leifheit was an active classroom volunteer, substitute teacher, grant writer, Pathway Partners Director, and 4K preschool manager.

In her last meeting as Vice President of the board on April 10, Kiggens-Leifheit stated she’d learned a lot over the past 11 years and that the school district is something to be proud of.

“There is something unique about the Marshfield School District. It has a lot to do with the culture of Marshfield board members, administrators, staff and support staff. They are a group of true professionals and go way beyond their job descriptions to in order to do what is best for students.”

Kiggens-Leifheit was first elected in 2008, re-elected in 2013 and 2016. She did not seek re-election in 2019.

“Over this period of time, I am particularly proud of the positive steps we have been able to make together as a board as well as a community in the areas of curriculum, personalized learning, new schools, new athletic facilities, and now a new 4k.”

She welcomed newly-elected candidate, Dr. Kajal Sitwala, to the board.

“I will miss serving, but I am thrilled to have Dr. Sitwala to join this board. In my experience, Kajal is a progressive thinker and will be a great school board member.”

Proud of the progress the board has made in the last ten years, Kiggens-Leifheit also recognized the need to keep moving forward.

“I hope we can look back and take pride and encouragement from the progress we have made since 2008, but at the same time I know we can recognize that there is more work to do. We need to ensure that each child has an equitable education and that we become more culturally competent,” she said.

“These are all areas that deserve sustained attention and effort on the part of this board, it is my firm belief that if we all work together to find common ground, the school district will continue to be the inspiring, rigorous and truly nurturing place my children, my husband and I have experienced over the past 30 years. So I hope I have made a small difference. and with that, I am going to make a motion to adjourn.”

The motion to adjourn failed due to a lack of a second. Board members took the opportunity to express their appreciation for her contributions to the board, followed by a standing ovation from the room.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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