Apparel Sale to Benefit Local Schools

marshfield tiger apparel

Premier Printing Helps with Apparel Sale to Support Schools

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Local print shop Premier Printing is assisting local schools with fundraising efforts this holiday season, offering apparel to show school pride with sales benefiting different schools.

“We worked with Grant Elementary and Spencer Schools so far to set up online fundraisers,” said Lindsey Rasmussen, Premier Printing. “It’s a fun way for people to show school pride and also help out their school!”

Tiger apparel

Grant Elementary apparel can be found here. Spencer apparel here. (Note that Grant apparel is tiger-themed, so anyone in the Marshfield district can enjoy and support!) Premier works to remove the work for parents. selecting the items, building the website, and offering digital ordering (no hassle of juggling checks/ cash). They also every single order and label it for easy pickup.

“We love working with schools on projects like this,” said Rasmussen. “We are a local business, so it’s great to be able to help local schools!”

Earlier this year, they helped raise $1284 for the School District of Marshfield’s homecoming sale.

“We really try to have a good combination as far as items but also price ranges,” said Rasmussen. “T-shirts are as low as $9!”

Supply chain issues are causing some shortages and delays, but Rasmussen said Premier will work to get products in a timely manner if at all possible.

“It’s a tough time for the industry, so we especially appreciate everyone’s understanding and patience,” she said.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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