April 25 Common Council Meeting Preview


Council Preview- What to Expect at Tuesday’s Meeting

With the City of Marshfield Common Council’s next meeting on Tuesday, April 25, City Administrator Steve Barg outlines what to expect. Previewing the agenda with him is WDLB’s Mike Warren, host of Council Preview on Marshfield Community Television (MCTV).

Expected Highlights for Tuesday’s Meeting:

Presentation on Marshfield Residential Incentive Program
The 2014 Housing Study revealed that there is an inadequate supply of desirable owner-occupied housing in the City under $200,000. The Marshfield Residential Incentive (MRI) program is a grant program with the purpose of encouraging developers and/or residents to invest or rehabilitate the City’s housing stock by providing financial incentives to new single family and two family residential dwellings. Jason Angell, Director of Development Services, will present on the program at Tuesday’s meeting.

Request to Approve a Community Development Investment Grant Agreement
The total fundraising goal of Wenzel Family Plaza is $1.3 million. The City directly contributed $200,000 and the Economic Development Board contributed $200,000. The other $900,000 will be from fundraising. The City has now been awarded a CDI grant, and is asking Council to approve an agreement for the $250,000. If accepted, the grant would bring the project close to its fundraising goal.

Public Works’ Recommendation Regarding Automated Cart System for Garbage & Recycling
Public Works recommended to go out for bid for Marshfield’s garbage and recycling program. One requirement of any submitted bids would require inclusion of an automated cart system. If the Council approves the minutes, the Public Works Director will develop a Request For Proposals (RFP). Read more about this topic – click here. 

Public Works Recommendation for Asphalt Paving Program
Roughly $2 million are spent annually on this program, with this year’s total being $1.8 million. This year’s proposed list can be found here.

Ambulance Billing Discussion
Finance, Budget, and Personnel Committee proposed authorizing staff to secure temporary help to assist with ambulance billing, and Council will evaluate this proposal.

Evaluate Continuance of Committee on Youth
This group has not met in several years and Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth (MACY) makes this committee redundant.

News Desk
Author: News Desk