Aspirus Health recognized as a Platinum Well Workplace

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WAUSAU, WI (OnFocus) – The Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) recently presented Aspirus Health with its 2023 Well Workplace Platinum Award. WELCOA now recognizes Aspirus as one of the nation’s leaders and innovators in protecting and enhancing employee health and well-being.

The Well Workplace Platinum Award is WELCOA’s top Well Workplace honor. Only 16 employers nationwide have earned platinum designation since 2021. Of these, only three – including Aspirus – are health systems.

“It is incredibly humbling that one of the nation’s most respected organizations has identified Aspirus Health as a national standard for workplace well-being,” said Craig Ogurek, System Director of Employee Health & Wellness. “At Aspirus, we know it’s crucial for our team members to feel supported in their well-being and appreciated for their holistic needs. We want every team member to feel empowered to pursue an individualized journey into personal well-being, and we aim to support and encourage them at every step.”

Earning the platinum award shows Aspirus has met the highest standards of wellness support for employees.

Features that earned Aspirus the platinum award include:

  • A wide selection of wellness offerings for employees
  • A focus on all 7 dimensions of health (physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, multicultural, and career)
  • Initiatives that support the whole person
  • Leaders and clinicians who are committed to wellness
  • Employee wellness reflected in the health system’s vision, values, and strategic goals

Aspirus partners with WELCOA as part of its commitment to providing a high-performing, healthy workplace for its 11,000 employees throughout Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. All Well Workplace Award winners have used WELCOA’s 7 Benchmarks model to help build and shape their wellness programs.

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