Assumption Football Season Preview: Royal Pride Shining Through

Courtesy Robyn Austin

Wisconsin Rapids (OnFocus) – It’s been a long wait for football fans and football teams to start the 2020 season. The wait is finally over, and the season is now here.

We take a look at the Assumption Royals with our Season Preview. We reached out to Coach Jeff Sullivan for some thoughts on this football season, giving us a glimpse into how the  Royals are getting ready for this year.

OnFocus: How has your coaching staff and team prepared for this season?

Sullivan: Our goal is to be able to compete and play as many games as we can!  Daily, we press upon the importance of staying healthy and not being the player or team who shuts down our season.  Football is so very important to our boys.  So many life lessons are taught on the football field, and it would be a shame to have this taken away from them.

OnFocus: What are some positives that have come out of practice and the season being delayed?

Sullivan: Our team camp went very well at the end of July before we learned our season would be delayed.  We had 5 great days of learning and getting into shape.  I was very proud of players and captains by forming captain’s practices to stay in shape and keep sharp during the delay, as well.  With less practice time once the season began, these captain’s practices were very important to us being ready once we resumed.  We have a very driven group of young men who love to compete and show their Royal pride.

OnFocus: Season forecast – What should fans expect to see out of your team this year? 

Sullivan: With the shortened season and practice times, it has been difficult to add new wrinkles offensively.  As the season goes on, we will make more adjustments and changes to adapt to our group of players. At the same time, we are very fortunate and excited to have 9 returning starters on offense and defense.  This has allowed us to perfect our base plays over the last two weeks of practice and create a sense of confidence leading into game 1.  Without getting into individual names, all 25 of our team members are important. Whether they are starters or scout team players, they all play an important part in creating a successful and memorable season!

(Team Photo courtesy Robyn Austin)

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]