Auburndale School District Chooses New Mascot


The Auburndale School District has chosen a new mascot.

“After many months working with community members, staff, and student leaders, taking surveys, holding community listening sessions, sending out district-wide mailings and counting your votes, the School Board has approved the new school mascot/label for Auburndale based on the overall top vote getter,” the district stated.

The district will now be known as the Auburndale Eagles.

“The Auburndale Eagle represents our strength, pride, the wisdom of our community, the agility, skill, and speed of our student athletes, the tenacity and dedication of our staff, the prowess and deep rooted greatness of our students and community-wide spirit of grace that makes our school, our students, and all of us soar! Go Eagles!”

Auburndale School District Continues Search for New Mascot

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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