Auburndale Takes Down Stratford


Stratford (OnFocus) – Alex Willfahrt scored 14 points and Hunter Wright added 13 as Auburndale picked up a 60-46 Marawood Conference win over Stratford.

Wright led the Eagles with 6 assists.

1 2 F
Auburndale 19 41 60
Stratford 28 18 46

Auburndale (60) G. White Eagle 1, M. White Eagle 7, Roberson 7, Gilhausen 8, Lundgren 10, Wright 13, Willfahrt 14

Stratford (46) Miller 14, Brusewitz 7, Vanderhoof 2, Skroch 4, Daul 10, Seitz 4, Ulrich 5

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]