Baked or Fried? A Closer Look at Spencer Rockets Head Volleyball Coach Alicia Herman: Sports Teach Lifelong Lessons, Importance of Teamwork


Baked or Fried? A Closer Look at Spencer Rockets Head Volleyball Coach Alicia Herman

OnFocus: What sports did you play in high school?

Herman: I was a 3 sport athlete in high school playing volleyball, basketball, and running track. 

OnFocus: How do amateur sports benefit students, parents, and the community?

Herman: Sports benefit students, parents, and the community as a whole because it teaches life-long lessons and being a part of a team. I think it also instills pride in what we are doing and brings a community together. 

OnFocus: How have you been involved in sports in your adult life?

Herman: I started coaching right out of high school by coaching basketball and club volleyball. Sports have always been a part of my life and I don’t foresee it going away anytime soon. 

OnFocus:  What do you enjoy about your involvement in athletics?

Herman: The athletes is the reason I do it! I enjoy seeing them grow and have success as well as seeing the impact they can make not only to future generations of athletes but in the community as well. 

OnFocus: If there could only be one concession food in the world, what would you want it to be?

Herman: Walking tacos! 

OnFocus: What would you do with the money if you won 10 millions dollars in the lottery?

Herman: I would make sure all of my family was taken care of. Then I would make sure to help the community of Spencer and beyond was taken care of. The community has given so much to me over the years. I would want to do the same for them. 

OnFocus: Is there something most people don’t know about you?

Herman: When I was younger (3-4) I was terrified of the gym floor. My parents could never figure out why, but as I got older they could never get me out of the gym. 

OnFocus: What job did you want when you were growing up?

Herman: With both of my parents being in education I would always say I will NEVER go into education and will do anything but that. I am now in year 6 of being a High School Special Education Teacher. 

OnFocus: What do you most enjoy watching on television?

Herman:Unfortunately, anything reality TV-related. When I watch TV it’s to relax and to not have to think about anything. 

OnFocus: Who was an influential coach that has made a difference in your life?

Herman: I’ve had some pretty influential coaches over the years, but the most influential people I’ve had were my parents and club volleyball coaches. They taught me how to find the positive in whatever situation I faced and to just enjoy the game no matter what. They also pushed me to be my best even when I didn’t always want that push. 

OnFocus: How do you unwind and enjoy your free time?

Herman: Other than binge-watching reality TV, I enjoy spending time with my husband, son, and dog. 

OnFocus: What would be an appropriate Super Hero nickname for you, and what would your powers be?

Herman: The multi-tasker! My superpower would be to be able to do more than one thing at once. That would be a very useful superpower, especially during volleyball season when I juggle many roles! 

OnFocus: Who are your favorite athletes?

Herman: Lauren Carlini and Dana Rhettke because of the things they did with their time at Wisconsin and I enjoyed watching them live out their dreams at the Olympics. Caitlin Clark because of the things she has done for women’s sports. 

OnFocus: Who is your role model(s)?

Herman: My role models would be my parents. They were both excellent educators and people who care about their family and community and I strive to be just like that. My mom was also a very successful volleyball coach for Abbotsford when I was growing up so I still look to her to this day to ask for advice on things. 

OnFocus: Baked or Fried? If you could pick only one, which would it be?

Herman: Fried

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]