Baked or Fried? Marshfield Head Volleyball Coach Dawn Sadowska Answers the Tough Questions


~ Central Wisconsin – Difference makers in sports are all around us. Getting to know coaches, athletic directors, and key figures in amateur sports helps us learn about the individuals shaping athletics and making a difference in schools. Area athletes have been under the microscope with the world-famous interview ‘Pancakes or Waffles?’ and now it’s time to add a different lens to sports in central Wisconsin.

With our OnFocus ‘Baked or Fried?’ interview, we take a look at difference makers in central Wisconsin.

This time around, we take a look at Marshfield Tigers Head Volleyball Coach Dawn Sadowska.

OnFocus: What sports did you play in high school?

Sadowska: I played volleyball, basketball, and track.

OnFocus: How do amateur sports benefit students, parents, and the community?

Sadowska:   For students, there is so much about sports that teach you about real life.  Teamwork, commitment, failure… Sports give our parents and community a way to come together and support our youth in a positive environment.

OnFocus: How have you been involved in sports in your adult life?

Sadowska: As an adult, I played both sand (summer) and court (winter) volleyball as long as my body would let me!  When first hired in Marshfield, I coached middle school basketball and track along with coaching volleyball at the high school.  I have also coached club volleyball for Wisconsin Ice out of Stevens Point/Wausau.

OnFocus:  What do you enjoy about your involvement in athletics?

Sadowska: I enjoy being able to pass on my love of the game of volleyball to athletes.  I also enjoy the relationships formed while coaching.  I remain in contact with many of my former players and have even had the opportunity to coach with some of them (Tonya (Schuld) Schlagenhaft, Liz, (Buttke) Ott).  Janelle (Tomlinson) Richard comes every summer and runs a camp for our kids.  And I cannot lie, I love the competition.  I am still as competitive as I was when I played in high school!

OnFocus: If there could only be one concession food in the world, what would you want it to be?

Sadowska: Walking tacos.

OnFocus: What would you do with the money if you won 10 millions dollars in the lottery?

Sadowska: I would purchase land in/near Marshfield and build a HUGE indoor/outdoor complex for volleyball.  It would house both sand and sport court courts.  Then I would move to St. Pete’s Beach and purchase a house on the ocean front. I’d save the rest for my family to use as needed.  10 million dollars is a lot of money!!

OnFocus: Is there something most people don’t know about you?

Sadowska: I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska.

OnFocus: What job did you want when you were growing up?

Sadowska: I have always wanted to be a teacher.

OnFocus: What do you most enjoy watching on television?

Sadowska: Beachfront Bargain Hunt on HGTV—hoping someday I can be on the show looking for my beachfront retirement home.

OnFocus: How do amateur sports benefit students, parents, and the community?

Sadowska:   For students, there is so much about sports that teach you about real life.  Teamwork, commitment, failure… Sports give our parents and community a way to come together and support our youth in a positive environment.

OnFocus: Who was an influential coach that has  made a difference in your life?

Sadowska: Nancy Pedersen (she was my high school volleyball coach at Madison Memorial; she went on to coach for the elite Mother McAuley program in Chicago.)  I still use some of her drills in my own practices.  She was so intense and passionate about the game of volleyball; she made it so we never wanted to leave the gym.

OnFocus: How do you unwind and enjoy your free time?

Sadowska: I like to read…but really, my free time is spent watching my kids play the sports they love. I love watching my son play baseball!

OnFocus: What would be an appropriate Super Hero nickname for you, and what would your powers be?

Sadowska: “Sarge” My younger brothers called me this when we were kids because I was so bossy, but my bossiness now keeps everything running smoothly at our house, especially in the fall when both my husband and I are coaching.

OnFocus: Who are your favorite athletes?

Sadowska: Drew Brees, Grant Hill, Lauren Carlini.

OnFocus: Who is your role model(s)?

Sadowska:  My mom.

OnFocus: Baked or Fried? If you could pick only one, which would it be?

Sadowska: Fried.

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]