Bear Sighted on West Side of Marshfield

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Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Marshfield Police Department said it’s been receiving its usual springtime reports of a black bear on the west side of the city.

Learn about Black Bears

Police said to be aware of the area between the university on W. 5th Street and S. Oak., extending south to the Wildwood Zoo and north to the tracks. Residents have spotted the bear at the 1500 block of Arlington Street and the area of W. 11th Street and S. Adams Ave.

Police advise residents in that area to bring in bird feeders and other sources of food so that the bear moves on. Bears typically avoid humans.

A bear was similarly spotted last April in the same area and caught on a trail camera:

Spring 2019 bear spotted on west side in Marshfield

Caught on Camera: Bear Spotted On West Side of Marshfield

Bear Roams Downtown

Bear Live Trapped in Marshfield

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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