Become a Licensed WIAA Official: FAQ’s



What is the cost to be a WIAA licensed official?
Answer: $35 basic licensing fee plus $15 per sport fee.

How do I license to be a WIAA official?
Answer: Licensing can be done online with a credit card on the WIAA – then go under the Officials tab and
select Online Licensing

How long is my license valid for?
Answer: One school year – August 1 through July 31

Do I have to renew my license every year?
Answer: Yes. Renewal information will be email to officials, on the WIAA website and in the WIAA Bulletin.

Do I need to take an exam and watch the rules video yearly?
Answer: Yes, if you wish to advance in classification level.

How do I get rules books?
Answer: Rules books are sent to licensed officials prior to each sport season by the WIAA office.

How do I advance in classification level?
Answer: You will find information on classification advancement in the Guide for Officials. This Guide can be found on the WIAA website.

Once I become licensed, how to I get games?
Answer: You will need to be in contact with local schools and conferences to let them know you are licensed and available to officiate contests. If there is an official’s association in your area it would be beneficial to become a member. A listing of associations can be found on the WIAA website.

How much do officials get paid?
Answer: Payment for regular season contests is determined by the local schools/conferences.

Is there any type of booklet that explains the licensing process and requirements.
Answer: Yes – The Guide for Officials, which is on the WIAA website.

As a WIAA licensed official, am I considered an independent contractor?
Answer: Yes.

Where do I purchase officiating uniform and equipment?
Answer: Local sporting goods dealer or online providers. Listing of providers can be found on the WIAA website.

Is there insurance coverage for WIAA licensed officials.
Answer: Yes, there is Accident Medical and General Liability Insurance Coverage and Catastrophic Accident Medical Insurance Coverage provided when working WIAA sponsored sports for WIAA member schools. This coverage is secondary.

Who would I contact with any questions on becoming a WIAA licensed official?
Answer: Joan Gralla at the WIAA office 715-344-8580 or [email protected]

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]