Bill Introduced That Would Eliminate Wolf Hunt Requirement

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MADISON, WI (OnFocus) – Sen. Tim Carpenter, as well as Sens. Ringhand, Roys and Taylor and Reps. Emerson, Andraca, Brostoff, Cabrera, Conley, Considine, Neubaurer, Shelton and Sinicki announced their plans to introduce a bill that would eliminate the requirement that Wisconsin hold an annual wolf hunt when wolves are not federally protected under the Endangered Species Act.

Instead, the bill allows the state’s Department of Natural Resources to have discretion on whether to hold a hunt.

Megan Nicholson, Wisconsin state director for the Humane Society of the United States, released the following statement: :

“The change of just one word from ‘shall’ to ‘may’ in the current law could annually spare hundreds of wolves from painful and terrifying deaths by trophy hunters who use neck snares, packs of trained hounds and snowmobiles in an unmitigated free-for-all slaughter. Wisconsin is the only state that mandates a wolf hunt, and while this legislation will not put a definitive end to wolf trophy hunting, it provides a glimmer of hope and is a necessary first step in protecting these highly social animals from the wanton cruelty we saw last February. Act 169 was rammed through the legislature during the 2011 biennium despite major opposition from constituents.

The Humane Society of the United States is grateful to Sen. Carpenter, Rep. Emerson and their colleagues for supporting this important piece of legislation and encourage advocates to contact their lawmakers and ask that they support LRB 4472 – eliminating a mandatory wolf hunt.”

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