Black Bear Roaming Stratford Area

Photo courtesy Stratford PD

Residents Encouraged to be Alert

A young male bear is roaming the area, according to Stratford Police Department and resident posts.

“We do have a young, male bear in the area,” Stratford Police wrote. “This is a photo (above) I took out on Staadt Rd a couple of weeks ago. His range includes Stratford as we have had a couple of reports, including an encounter with some dogs. This time of the year, there is plenty of food available, but we still need to be cautious with our bird feeders and grills.”

The department also urged pet-owners to be wary.

“Be careful with pets, mainly dogs. Most bear attacks on humans occur when they get in between the bear and the dogs,” they said. “Bears will be territorial and their ranges can be quite large. He may move on. He appears to be heading easterly.”

They added that if you feel this bear is or has been a serious issue for you, please contact the US Dept. of Agriculture–Wildlife Services at 1-800-228-1368. They handle nuisance animal reports and will make the determination on removal.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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