Board of Public Works Gets First Look at Snow and Ice Removal Policy


The Board of Public Works got their first look at a proposed policy that would lay out in writing how the city will respond to winter weather.

In the new policy, any time the city receives two or more inches of snow all Primary and Secondary streets and major parking lots will be plowed, after 4 inches residential streets and other city parking lots will be plowed, and Cul de Sac Bulbs will not be plowed until the storm has ended.

Also in the new policy, Primary Roads will be fully treated with salt with a goal to have the road 75% to 100% clear within 24 hours after the storm, Secondary roads will be spot treated on curves, intersections, and sharply sloped and inclined area with a goal of 75% clear within 24 hours after the storm. Residential roads and Cul-de-sacs will only be treated at the intersections only, the roads will be navigable but may have snow or packed ice.

The policy is still a draft and will continue to be discussed by the Board of Public Works, which meets the first and third Mondays at 5:30 PM in the council chambers at City Hall Plaza.


News Desk
Author: News Desk