Body of Dale Larson Found

dale larson found
Dale Larson/ Submitted Photo

OnFocus – The body of Dale Larson, 65, was found today in the Town of Rome, Wisconsin.

Larson was last seen on August 28 at 4:00pm in the 1400 block of Rapids Trail in Nekoosa, wearing black biking shorts, a bright yellow shirt, and tennis shoes. A Silver Alert was issued for Larson, who has dementia, when he did not return from his bike ride.

A Marshfield resident with a second home in Nekoosa, Larson was a longstanding respected figure in the Marshfield medical community.

“Our Dad’s body was recovered this morning around 11:30am. It appears he stopped to take a break down by a creek in a heavily wooded area,” Andrew Larson posted. “He was found with his bike sitting close by. By all indications, he passed peacefully.”

“Thank you for everyone’s continued support. We want to especially thank the Rome Police and Fire Departments, Adams County Sheriff’s Department and Fire & Rescue, Wood County Sheriff’s Department and Fire & Rescue, Wisconsin National Guard, local ATV and snowmobile clubs, and especially Wings of Hope Wisconsin,” he added.

No further information is available at this time. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

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