Braintrust: ESPN’s ‘MeShawn Keyshawn’ Badmouthing of Wisconsin Uncalled for


Wisconsin Football was attacked this week on the radio, and its brand of football was described as not being good enough, not exciting. ‘No one wants to watch that’ was the message coming from a former NFL superstar.

The Braintrust isn’t going to let that go.

Come on, man! Keyshawn Johnson, heard on ESPN Radio’s Keyshawn, Zubin, and J Will morning show, slammed Wisconsin Football this week, and it’s uncalled for.

During a discussion on ESPN’s early morning radio program, the trio pondered how the college football playoffs might look this year, including which teams might have a shot to be a part of college football’s final four. Scenarios involving how teams from a list that included Clemson, Alabama, Notre Dame, Georgia, Ohio State, the Pac 12, Big 12, and Wisconsin were gone over.

Merits of why each team could be deserving and how things might transpire when the final four teams are announced in December were interesting.

Then Johnson opened his mouth one too many times.

The former NFL star shared how he doesn’t want Wisconsin to make it as one of the final four teams, that he thinks the Badgers’ style isn’t interesting. Boring. Johnson doesn’t think people want to see that kind of football ‘on the big stage’, running the ball isn’t exciting enough.

Really, ‘MeShawn?’

Often referred to with that label by co-host Jason Williams, the former Duke and NBA player known as J Will, Johnson excelled in college football and had a good career in the NFL. He was the top pick in the NFL Draft in the 1996 Draft, played for four teams, and has never been afraid to share his opinions.

The fact that the pandemic has reared its ugly head in college football isn’t even a part of this story. Keyshawn thinks he knows what college football fans want to see. Johnson knows professional football, but his analysis of college football teams is off base, however.

Know your role. Stay in your lane.  Don’t overreach. Good words to live by. Take the advice, Keyshawn.

Johnson’s attack on Badgers Football makes as much sense as this writer critiquing  The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, or Dancing With the Stars.  Just because  I don’t watch them, and don’t have an interest to, doesn’t mean they aren’t top-rated. These programs have real value and are very popular.

Badgers Football is also real, Keyshawn. 7th most wins over the last ten seasons. Perennial Top 10 team. That’s real success, Keyshawn.

The Badgers have proven they deserve to be a contender for College Football’s elite year in and year out. The numbers don’t lie. The Badgers are real, Keyshawn.

Keyshawn Johnson talking about a particular college football team’s merits makes sense. That’s what his background allows him to do. Talking about a program in general, that he doesn’t like their style, that he doesn’t want them in the mix of teams at the end because they aren’t flashy enough?

That’s not real.

Know what else isn’t real?

The last time Keyshawn made an appearance on the national stage, it was on Dancing with the Stars, in 2017.

How did that turn out?

First person voted out.

Looks like the people spoke and didn’t want him on the national stage.

Now, THAT is real.

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]