Marshfield Utilities Trip Provides Extensive Benefits for Ratepayers
Rally a Great Opportunity for Learning, Networking
Marshfield Utilities officials recently attended the American Public Power Association’s legislative rally in Washington D.C. for an opportunity...
Prescription Take-Back Event: Prevent Misuse and Protect the Environment
Marshfield Police Department Hosting Event at Shopko on April 29
Have you been wondering what to do with those prescription drugs that have been piling...
April 25 Common Council Meeting Preview
Council Preview- What to Expect at Tuesday's Meeting
With the City of Marshfield Common Council’s next meeting on Tuesday, April 25, City Administrator Steve Barg...
Leadership Marshfield Class of 2017 Presents Projects
Leadership Marshfield Class of 2017 Project Presentations
The purpose and objective of Leadership Marshfield is to identify current and potential leaders in the community and...