Can I Change My Vote in Wisconsin?

can I change my vote wisconsin

OnFocus – Most states do not allow voters to make changes to a ballot after it has been submitted, but Wisconsin is one state that does allow voters to change their absentee vote after they have cast a ballot.

In Wisconsin, anyone who voted by absentee ballot can ask for a new one in order to change their vote prior to the election.

The legal deadline for requesting absentee ballots by mail is October 29, so if you want to change your ballot you might need to get your new ballot in person.

In Wisconsin, If you need a new ballot, contact your municipal clerk as soon as possible, election officials say. Learn more HERE.

Other election notes from City of Marshfield Clerk Deb Hall:

  1. The last day to register before the election is Friday, October 30th at 5:00 p.m. in the Clerk’s office.  Otherwise they have to wait until election day.
  2. No voting or registering to vote can happen on the day before the election, which is Monday, November 2nd.
  3. Everyone that still has an absentee ballot needs to get that ballot returned right away.  We have to receive it before 8:00 p.m. on Election day.  We also have a drop box available for City of Marshfield residents that is available 24/7 or they can drop it off in the Clerk’s office.
  4. This is the last week for in person absentee voting.  Week day hours are 8 am – 5:30 pm and Saturday, October 31st from 8 am – Noon

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