Candidates Unopposed in Races for Council, School Board


Common Council and School Board positions are unopposed for the April 2 election.

Of the even-numbered Aldermanic Districts (2,4,6,8,10) up for election, four incumbents for a two-year term will be running unopposed: Nick Poeschel, Tom Witzel, Rebecca Spiros, Peter Hendler.

Alderman Gordon Earll of District 4 announced he will not be seeking re-election. Though originally attracting two candidates, the open seat is being pursued only by candidate Ken Bargender.

The deadline to return nomination papers was January 2.

Only one candidate, incumbent Dale Yakaites, is running for the two open positions on the Marshfield Board of Education. Vice President Amber Kiggens-Leifheit is not running for re-election.

While not officially on the ballot, those interested in running for an open seat can do so as write-in candidates.

According to the City Clerk, anyone interested in running as an alderperson as a write-in candidate can stop by the office to fill out paperwork. No signatures are required. Since there is at least one candidate for all positions, a write-in candidate must be registered to have their vote counted.

According to the school district, an individual looking to run as a write-in candidate should file a Campaign Finance Report (CF-1) with the District. This form can be accessed from the Ethics Commission website at or picked up at the Board of Education Office.

If no write-in candidate is elected or the elected write-in candidate decides not to fill the seat, the School Board would then appoint a candidate to fill a one-year term that would be up for election in spring 2020. The candidate elected in 2020 would fill a 2-year term instead of a 3-year.

Write-in candidates who wish to speak about their campaign can submit a Letter to the Editor or reach out to OnFocus at [email protected].

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Author: News Desk