Central Fire and EMS Provides Fall Training to EMTs

Courtesy of the Central Fire and EMS District on Facebook.

ABBOTSFORD, WI (OnFocus) – According to the CDC, one out of four older adults will fall each year in the United States with about 36 million falls reported among older adults each year—resulting in more than 32,000 deaths.

It is imperative that local emergency responders know how to properly respond to a fall especially when a serious injury may have occurred. The Central Fire and EMS District recently provided training to its EMTs to prepare them to assist a fallen and injured older adult.

While not all falls result in an injury, about 37% of those who fall reported an injury that required medical treatment or restricted their activity for at least one day, resulting in an estimated 8 million fall injuries.

The crews worked on a life called the Binder Lift. The technique is used to lift patients without a mechanical lift when they have experienced non-trauma injuries.

The lift is designed to reduce the chance for back injuries and provides multiple handles for EMTs or other individuals to help with the lift.

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Author: News Desk