Central Wisconsin Airport Prepares for Trump Rally


Central Wisconsin Airport in Mosinee is the next stop on the midterm campaign tour for President Trump on Wednesday evening. Trump will rally voters to sustain Republican majorities in the House and Senate for the election on November 6.

As host to the event, the airport complies with FAA airspace restrictions during the time frame of the event. A Temporary Flight Restriction has been issued between 5:45-8:45 p.m. for the airspace surrounding the airport. However, commercial flights will not be affected as the last outbound flight leaves before that time, and an inbound flight comes after. Private aircrafts will not be able to fly during the TFR time period.

CWA doesn’t have much to do with planning the rally itself, which is undertaken mostly by White House organizers with assistance from local police and fire departments, but does its part to make things go smoothly.

“The airfield is our focus, making sure it is fully compliant, safe, clean, everything operational – which we do daily,” said Airport Director Brian Grefe.

Leah Vukmir, running for senator against Tammy Baldwin, and Governor Scott Walker, who is being challenged by Tony Evers, are both slated to attend.

The Make America Great Again Rally will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Endeavor Air Hangar. Those who received tickets should park by the hangar and not at the airport terminal building.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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