Central Wisconsin Man Rescues Drowning Fawn

man rescues fawn
Joe Maass rescuing fawn / Photo courtesy Heather Maass

OnFocus – Joe and Heather Maass were driving home Sunday afternoon when when they spotted a doe frantically swimming in the flooded marsh area on Wren Road just west of Marshfield. Soon after, they noticed a newborn fawn drowning and being pulled down into the rushing water.

“Joe immediately pulled over, kicked off his shoes, threw his phone and jumped into the water to save the fawn,” said Heather. “He is the coolest guy I know.”

“We spotted the doe standing in belly deep water, but then noticed the fawn in the current 50’ downstream struggling to stay above water,” said Joe. “I just couldn’t imagine not trying to help the poor thing.”

After diving into the water to rescue the fawn, Joe carried it to shore and placed it a safe distance away on the grass as mom watched cautiously from a distance.

“He was looking back in the water because he said they almost always have twins and was worried there was another one,” said Heather. “I stepped forward to help him look and realized the second one was laying in the grass beside the ‘river.'”

Both mom and her fawns are doing well, thanks to Joe’s courageous actions.

(Gotta include a safety alert! Always be cautious around rushing water. If you see baby wildlife that is NOT in distress, click here to learn what to do. 🙂 )

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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