Central Wisconsin Residents Encouraged to Give DOT Feedback on Highway 13 Project

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Submitted to OnFocus – Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) North Central Region is seeking public input on proposed improvements to WIS 13 between WIS 98 (Clark Street) in the village of Spencer and County N (Monroe Street) in the city of Colby.

An in-person meeting is not planned based on public health guidance to limit public gatherings. Input may be submitted in alternative formats until Monday, March 22, 2021. Residents, property and business owners within the project limits have been mailed a handout with a comment form that can be sent back to WisDOT. Input can also be submitted via online survey.

A handout, presentation, and project maps are available for review on the project website.

Proposed improvements include:

  • Concrete joint repair followed by surface grinding
  • Replacing existing asphalt shoulders
  • Reshaping and restoring existing gravel shoulders
  • Replacing non-Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps
  • Remove and replace guardrail
  • New bridge surface on the Little Eau Pleine River and Dill Creek bridges
  • Replacing pavement markings which includes converting the existing four-lane to a three-lane configuration with a center two-way-left-turn lane (TWTL) and urban shoulders from WIS 98 to Northcentral Technical College in Spencer.
    • Pavement markings in Unity will match existing markings.

Traffic impacts:

  • Rural sections of WIS 13 are planned to be closed to through traffic in segments during construction.
    • Traffic will be detoured via WIS 97 to WIS 153 and back to WIS 13 when WIS 13 south of WIS 153 is closed.
    • Traffic will be detoured via WIS 97 to WIS 29 and back to WIS 13 when the segment of WIS 13 north of WIS 153 is closed.
  • In urban areas, a single lane in each direction will remain open. WIS 13 will be open to local traffic during construction to allow access to driveways. Temporary pedestrian accommodations will be provided.

New right-of-way and/or temporary easements are required for replacement of the pedestrian curb ramps. The project is currently scheduled for 2023 but could occur as early as 2022.

Adjacent property and business owners are encouraged to provide input. Deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, and speech-disabled persons should contact the Wisconsin Relay Service by dialing 711.

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

News Desk
Author: News Desk