Central Wisconsin State Fair’s White Tiger Exhibit Sparks Concern


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) A white tiger exhibit planned for the Central Wisconsin State Fair has stirred up controversy over the welfare of the animals.

The White Tiger Discovery exhibit announced this week promises photo and feeding opportunities for fairgoers while educating on conservation issues. The public can watch trainers handle the animals in daily shows. Exhibit entry is $3.

“We feel that the addition of the White Tiger Discovery Exhibit is a beneficial educational experience for anyone who attends this exhibit. These animals are given the best care, and their firm stands very strongly behind their animal husbandry practices and care,” the fair office stated. “They have numerous USDA accredited veterinarians that agree with their care as being superior. In speaking with other fairs that have hosted this exhibit, they have assured us that these animals receive the best of care.”

A local petition through Change.org in support of stopping the exhibit has reached close to 400 signatures.

Ultimately, any concerns over the white tiger exhibit can be addressed to the Fair Board, which reports to the County Board and City Council.

“There’s a lot of people that think, is that really humane to the animals to take them all around?” said Mayor Bob McManus, addressing the controversy. “At the end of the day if the citizens feel that way, they would start with going to the Fair Board and let them work together. That’s what we really like to see, is citizen input.”

Residents can share their views with newly appointed council representative Chris Jockheck, who will attend his first Fair Board meeting next week on March 18, 7 p.m. at the fair office. Contact information for Aldermen are listed on the City website at this link.

The Central Wisconsin State Fair returns Aug. 20-25.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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