Changes Within: Protect Your Skin Naturally this Summer


Alternatives to Chemical-Filled Sunscreen

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) With summer right around the corner and people venturing for longer periods of time into the sunshine, protecting the skin from sun damage is important for the prevention of diseases like skin cancer.

Unfortunately, the products many people put on their skin to protect themselves are actually proving to cause more harm than good.

Local Dr. Patti Schumacher of Changes Within S.C. encourages sun protection – by covering the skin or using natural alternatives to synthetic chemical sunscreens.

“Sunburn is harmful. But sunscreen isn’t the only way to avoid it,” said Schumacher. “In American culture, we are so quick to slather up with sunscreen, sun block, even tanning oil with SPF in it. But how does this affect our body systems? Is this the best way to protect ourselves from ‘the big C?’”

According to Schumacher, nature’s sun screen (also known as the shade) is the best way to protect from the sun.

“A lot of Americans are convinced that the best way to shelter themselves from skin cancer is by blocking the sun’s ‘damaging rays.’ Here’s the kicker: most sunblock is made with harmful, strong chemicals that actually disrupt the hormones in the human body. Plus, the sun block actually inhibits your body from absorbing vitamin D—which is necessary to correct hormone formation.”

“These hormone disruptors are damaging our endocrine systems, which actually promotes growth of skin cancer,” she added. “Not to mention, low vitamin D has also been linked to many other types of cancers, not merely skin cancer.”

Ocean life is also affected by the harmful components in traditional sunscreen, when its compounds awaken dormant viruses which replicate at a rapid pace, eventually taking over algae and coral hosts.

With 71% of the Earth’s surface being water, and oceans holding 96.5% of all Earth’s water, ocean health is vitally connected to human health.

Avoiding direct sunlight doesn’t mean staying inside all summer- it’s actually recommended to get outside at least once a day to improve health.

“Especially in Wisconsin, we are too far north to absorb the sunlight all year long, so take advantage of it this summer,” said Schumacher. “If you’re going to be out for long periods of time, be sure to cover up with a hat, lightweight clothing, etc.”

If necessary to be outside in the sunshine, there are natural alternatives to traditional sunscreen. These are made using essential oils. Check out Changes Within’s latest newsletter for a recipe (or see image from The Wellness Mama, featured in Changes Within’s newsletter).

Join Dr. Schumacher for an Essential Oils class on May 30 at 6:30pm.

Learn more at

Breanna Butler
Author: Breanna Butler

Breanna Butler is an award-winning multimedia producer born and raised in Central Wisconsin. She enjoys exploring and writing about the community. She lives in Marshfield with her husband and furry family.