Chat with the Fire Chief: How to Donate Blood


The Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin has a continual need for blood donations. This summer, the center ran into a shortage of O- and O+ blood types, which are used in trauma situations.

“It’s important to be able to donate as you’re able to,” said Fire Chief Scott Owen. “We run into traumatic events all the time on the ambulance.”

While blood isn’t carried in the ambulance, the patient may need it upon arrival at the hospital.

“If people are considering donating or not sure if they should, definitely call the Blood Center and ask them what it’s all about,” he said.

Appointments can be made at the Marshfield Donor Center by calling 877-232-4376 or visiting this link. The center is located at 508 N. Central, Suite 101, Marshfield.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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