Chat With the Police Chief: Police Auxiliary


Marshfield Police Department’s long-running Police Auxiliary provides officers with invaluable support, all through volunteer efforts.

“They’re the extra sets of eyes and ears. We couldn’t do a lot of the events and activities that the community has come to expect of us without auxiliary’s help,” said Police Chief Rick Gramza.

Members volunteer a minimum of 40 hours per year and assist with traffic control, patrolling, and more at local events and locations.

“It’s free to the taxpayers,” said Gramza. “It’s a group of dedicated individuals who give a lot of their time to help out the community and give back.”

Those 18 and older with a high school diploma or equivalent can pick up an application at the Marshfield Police Department or visit the city website.

Members attend training events and monthly meetings, becoming familiar with basic police procedures including radio usage, patrol procedures, DAAT/OC, and CPR/first aid. After a 6-month probationary period, full membership is granted.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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