Chilling Video Shows Close Call After Vehicle Passes School Bus

school bus passing
Screenshot from video / Courtesy Adams County Sheriff Dept

ADAMS COUNTY, WI (OnFocus) – A vehicle traveling on County Highway Z in Adams County on January 5 did not stop for a stopped school bus. VIDEO HERE. A child was about the cross the roadway when the bus driver spotted the vehicle and began honking, alerting the child to stop.

The incident happened at about 4:00pm. Anyone with information about the incident is encouraged to contact Adams County Sheriffs Office and speak with Deputy Ben VanHaren #13. Reference case #23-0113.

“This is also a reminder to our community to use caution and drive safe when approaching a school bus with flashing lights,” the department said in a statement.

Amber Warning Lights: A school bus is about to stop and will soon be activating its red warning lights. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop.

Red Warning Lights: Stop at least 20 feet from the bus whether approaching from either direction. The only exception: if you’re on the opposite side of a divided roadway separated by a median or other physical barrier.

Please pay attention while driving, for everyone’s safety!

Find the video HERE.

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