Citizens Encouraged to Register Security Cameras in Wisconsin Rapids

Courtesy of the WRPD Facebook Page.

Registration Would Help Police Know Who to Contact When Investigating Cases

OnFocus – The Wisconsin Rapids Police Department released in a Facebook post Tuesday that they would be beginning a security camera registration for citizens.

The potential registration of the cameras would allow police to more quickly and efficiently track down potential criminals with the use of cameras around the city.

The post encouraged citizens to enroll in the program by telling them that it will only help keep them and their belongings safe.

“Our goal is to establish a map of exterior facing camera locations throughout the city,” the post said. “This information will assist us in solving crimes promptly in your community.”

The registration would not give police access to you or your businesses cameras, however, it would allow police to know who to contact if they believe something could be found on the cameras.

To register your camera, go to

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Author: News Desk