City Announces Wenzel Family Plaza Construction Parking Modifications


City Releases Parking Updates as Wenzel Family Plaza Construction Begins

Submitted to FOCUS- Beginning on Wednesday Morning, September 6th, 2017 Boson Companies, Inc. will begin fencing off the 200 Block of South Chestnut Avenue across from the Post Office for the construction of the Wenzel Family Plaza, thus prohibiting parking in the Burlington parking lot across from the Post Office.

In anticipation to the loss of available parking spaces, amendments have been to incorporate additional parking to assist with the displacement of the Burlington parking lot.

First, the City has removed the daytime time limits from the Omaha and Milwaukee Parking lots. This will provide the ability for residents, employees and customers the ability to park in one location all day without having to purchase a parking pass. Please note overnight parking in these lots will require an overnight parking pass.

Second, several parking restriction changes were made in the downtown to provide additional on street spaces west of Chestnut Avenue and east of Maple Avenue. (See the map above for the parking restrictions in the downtown).

If there are questions concerning this project or other municipal projects within the City. Please contact the Engineering Division at (715) 486 -2034.

News Desk
Author: News Desk