City Appoints New Street Superintendent


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Common Council voted 8-0 after coming out of closed session to appoint Kris Hawley to the Street Superintendent position in the Street Division.

Kris Hawley acted as Interim Street Superintendent after the resignation of Dean Schiller, whose last day was Jan. 10. Hawley was formerly assistant Street Superintendent.

The position went into effect Wednesday, March 11.


The City received 16 applicants for this position but did not conduct interviews for the position, the City HR director stated.

During the standard recruitment process, the City determined Kris Hawley’s qualifications “significantly exceeded” that of the other candidates.

The recommendation to appoint Hawley to the position without pursuing additional candidates was approved by the Common Council.

City Continues Hiring Process for Street Superintendent

Street Superintendent Resigns, City Seeks Candidate

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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