City Continues Hiring Process for Street Superintendent


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The City of Marshfield will discuss the open Street Superintendent position this week as the hiring process continues.

The Finance, Budget, and Personnel Committee will enter into closed session on Tuesday to discuss the position but doesn’t intend to take action on an appointment, according to the City’s HR Director.

The position was left vacant by the resignation of Dean Schiller, whose last day was January 10. In December, Assistant Street Superintendent Kris Hawley was approved as the Interim Street Superintendent by the Common Council.

The Street Superintendent is responsible for directing the operations of the Street Division, including street and sidewalk construction and maintenance, snow removal, storm and sanitary sewer, construction projects, and refuse and recycling.

The open position was first posted on Dec. 11 and advertised in multiple places including the American Public Works Association (APWA), Job Center of Wisconsin (JobNet),, Indeed, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, and MEUW.

Fewer than 20 applicants responded to these postings, according to the City HR Director. To encourage more applications, the posting was extended through Feb. 13 but only yielded an additional 3 candidates.

A hiring committee was created but no interviews have yet taken place.

Street Superintendent Resigns, City Seeks Candidate

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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