City Declares Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week


EAB Not Confirmed in Marshfield

City of Marshfield Declares Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Awareness Week The City of Marshfield is declaring May 10-16, 2020 Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Awareness Week in an attempt to increase knowledge about the devastating impacts this bug can have on ash trees.

Emerald Ash Borer is a harmful insect originating from Asia. Since its discovery in Michigan in 2002, the bug has killed hundreds of millions of ash trees and cost cities, homeowners, nurseries and forest product industries millions of dollars. The bug was discovered in Southeast Wisconsin in 2008 and has since popped up in pockets throughout much of the state.

The bug feeds on ash leaves and causes little damage, but the larvae stage kills the trees by feeding underneath the bark and disrupting the transportation of water and nutrients. Any tree not treated for the bug will eventually die.

Although Marshfield has not yet confirmed Emerald Ash Borer within the city limits, the City has taken a proactive step towards reducing the harm this bug will cause.

In 2016, ash trees were assessed to determine which trees would be treated for protection and which trees were better suited for removal. Factors playing into the decision process were health and structure of the trees, location and size. The management plan has led to the successful treatment of 272 ash trees located within the terraces and parks of Marshfield.

During the awareness week, ash trees within the terraces of Marshfield will be marked with ribbon to identify the tree species to community members. There are a large number of ash trees located on private properties and woodlots throughout the Marshfield area.

The goal of identifying the terrace ash trees is to encourage community members to consider what proactive solutions they want to pursue for ash trees they may have on their private property.

There are multiple resources available to community members to determine what options are available regarding private ash trees. Contacting a local ISA certified arborist or a tree care company is the best recommendation as they have the knowledge and experience about the threat in the area.

Community members can also contact the City Forestry Division with any questions or visit the Forestry Division webpage for links to resources and tips about Emerald Ash Borer.

Arbor Day in Marshfield: Part II, Emerald Ash Borer

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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