City Follows New Guidelines for Snow Removal


The Street Division is following its newly drafted policy for snow removal.

Under the new guidelines, Primary and Secondary streets receive priority when the city receives 2 or more inches of snow, along with major parking lots. After 4 inches, residential streets and other city lots will be plowed. Cul-de-sacs are not plowed until a storm is ended.

Primary roads are fully treated with salt while Secondary roads are spot treated on curves, intersections, sharply sloped and inclined areas. Residential and cul-de-sacs are only treated at intersections.

Dean Schiller, Street Superintendent, stated that snow removal went well during last weekend’s snowfall, the first major snow event this season. The Street Division will not make any immediate changes to the policy, which is still a draft at this time.

“We still want to get a few more winter storms under our belt before we make any changes,” Schiller said. “At that time, with feedback from residents and employees, we will make changes to make the policy better for the City of Marshfield.”

The Board of Public Works received a first look at the new Snow and Ice Removal manual at its Sept. 17 meeting. The purpose of the manual is to establish city policy and level of service in the clearing of snow and ice, as well as the maintenance of public parking lots, sidewalks, alleys, and street system in winter.

News Desk
Author: News Desk